1. What Floats Your Boat Marine Surveys shall carry out the agreed survey to the best of their ability and without prejudice.
2. The survey shall be carried out on the agreed date stated on the Survey Contract or as reasonably soon after if weather or other unforeseen circumstances prevent work on this date.
3. The survey remains the property of What Floats Your Boat Marine Surveys. Liability for the findings of the report are directed to the client alone. No third party has claim to liability whatsoever.
4. By signing this contract, the client gives assurance that permission has been granted by the owner of the vessel (if this is not the client) for the survey to take place including all non-destructive testing as is deemed appropriate. All specific limitations of access or testing must be attached to this contract and acknowledged by the surveyor.
5. The client shall be liable for all additional and associated costs including boat movements, slipping, boatyard fees in preparation and in the process of the survey and reasonable charges in the event the vessel is inaccessible at the time of the survey.
6. The engine shall be assessed visually and not started. No opinion shall be expressed with regard the soundness or working of the engine without a sea-trial which is beyond the scope of this survey (unless stated above).
7. The soundness, structure and condition of the vessel shall only be given in so far as access is available. Areas and items that are not accessed shall remain outside the scope of this survey. Only items and areas detailed within the report shall be deemed to have been inspected. Opinions shall be made on the basis of tests carried out and detailed within the report. Liability shall not be held for faults that cannot reasonably be detected by the non-destructive tests detailed within the report.
8. No liability shall be held for latent design or manufacturing faults that could not reasonably be assessed at the time of the survey.
9. Liability for the conclusions of this report shall cease 12 months from the date of the report.
10. What Floats Your Boat Marine Surveys shall provide a verbal summary overview on the day of the survey if requested. The full written survey shall normally be provided within seven days of the survey taking place and only after full payment of the fee and any associated costs have been received.
11. What Floats Your Boat Marine Surveys shall hold Professional Indemnity insurance at the time of the survey and for at least 12 months thereafter.
12. In the event that What Floats Your Boat Marine Surveys is found to be negligent in its opinion or recommendations the maximum liability shall be twice the original contract fee.
13. What Floats Your Boat Marine Surveys shall not be held liable for any consequential loss caused by the process of the survey or as a result of the opinions given.
14. What Floats Your Boat Marine Surveys shall not be held responsible for any loss, damage or consequential costs as a result of an act of God, crime, civil or military unrest. Following a force majeure event either side may be released from the contract with immediate written notice.
We are always happy to talk through any concerns you have
T: 07488 485 448. E:richard@whatfloatsyourboatMarineSurveys.co.uk
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